Thursday, September 9, 2010

Honors Geometry 09/9/10

Hello classmates,

Today's relatively short lesson in Honors Geometry emphasized on Collinearity, Betweenness, & Assumptions.


Let us review some relevant terms:

1) Collinear - Points that lie on the same line.
2) Non-collinear - Points that do not lie on the same line.


To determine whether a point is between two other points, all three points must be collinear.

Another important subject that is related to the betweenness of points is: Triangle Inequality...

When one has 3 points, there are 2 possibilities:

1) They are either collinear (When one point is between the other two, the two distances must add up to the third).

___ __ __
ABC = 20 Units... AB = 15 Units... BC =5 Units
15 Units + 5 Units = 20 Units (Point B is Collinear)

.............................. OR ....................................

2) They are non-collinear (3 points that determine a triangle).

Triangle ABC has sides of 7 Units, 10 Units, and 14 Units. Notice that 7 + 10 > 14 Units.

A triangle is non-collinear when the sum of any two side lengths is greater than the length of the third side length (^).


One must never assume when looking at a diagram. Diagrams have the possibility of cheating your eyes. One must follow specific guidelines when assuming...

One should always assume:

1) Straight lines and angles
2)Collinearity of points
3) Betweenness of points
4) Relative positions of points

One should not assume:

1)Right angles
2) Congruent segments
3) Congruent angles
4) Relative sizes of segments and angles

I would like to thank everyone who has read my post on collinearity, betweenness, & assumptions.

Nikita Dyatlov

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