Sunday, January 30, 2011


Fellow Classmates, Mr. Wilhelm, and Stalkers I Don't Know, Friday we learned A. the best way to make your math teacher happy is to hide all of their stuff B. that #A does not apply to Mr. Wilhelm C. #A is actually a letter D. stuff about shapes . . This beautifully color-coded picture illustrates an oblique trigon. Oblique trigons are sad because everyone groans when they see them because their measurements don't do any thing special. "Oh how I wish I could be a SPECIAL triangle!" said a young triangle. One day, Mr. Wilhelm invented a formula for them called THE LAW OF SINES . You plug in an angle (A), the side opposite it (a), and one other piece of information (angle C or side c). You can then solve for the other piece's counterpart (side c or angle C). You (and the triangles) can consider it something of a hero. . . This formula happens to be THE LAW OF SINES don't crowd it . . This is the same triangle from before. Cheap Budget. . . These formulas make up the LAW OF COSINES. The formulas on the left work when you are given SAS. The formulas on the right work when you are given SSS. . . . Here is a website that proves the law of sines Here is a website that proves the law of cosines Here is a website that exemplifies stuff Watch the video about sines and cosines It dosen't work.. but it shows the importance of apologies and good pouty faces Here is an unrelated website . . 'sine' ing off ~~OLIVIA MILLER~~

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